Please Specify Any Valid Single IM 6.5.6-6+ Color

e.g., name, hex, rgb(...), hsl(...), hsb(...), cmyk(...), gray(...)
or rgba(...), hsla(...), hsba(...), cmyka(...), graya(...)


Background For Transparent Colors:
/> White /> Gray /> Black /> Checker
"; echo strtoupper($colormode) . ":
"; if ( $colormode != "cmyk" ) { if ( is_numeric($color4) ) { echo $colormode . "a($C1V,$C2V,$C3V,$C4V)
"; echo $colormode . "a($C1P%,$C2P%,$C3P%,$C4V)
"; } else { echo $colormode . "($C1V,$C2V,$C3V)
"; echo $colormode . "($C1P%,$C2P%,$C3P%)
"; } } else { if ( is_numeric($color5) ) { echo "cmyka($C1V,$C2V,$C3V,$C4V,$C5V)
"; echo "cmyka($C1P%,$C2P%,$C3P%,$C4P%,$C5V)
"; } else { echo "cmyk($C1V,$C2V,$C3V,$C4V)
"; echo "cmyk($C1P%,$C2P%,$C3P%,$C4P%)
"; } } } # begin sequence of tests for valid colors # remove any spaces in color $color = preg_replace('/\s*/', '', $color); # test for comma count < 5 # and 1 set of parens # and then allow only specific first 4, 5 or 6 characters # also test if exactly rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, hsb, hsba, cmyk, cymka # also test if begins with rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, hsb, hsba, cmyk, cymka # and does not contain 1 set of parens $commacount = substr_count($color, ','); $lparenct = substr_count($color, '('); $rparenct = substr_count($color, ')'); $periodct = substr_count($color, '.'); $chars3 = substr($color, 0, 3); $chars4 = substr($color, 0, 4); $chars5 = substr($color, 0, 5); $chars6 = substr($color, 0, 6); if ( $commacount > 4 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[1]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount >= 1 && $commacount <= 4 && $lparenct != 1 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[2]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount >= 1 && $commacount <= 4 && $rparenct != 1 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[3]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount == 0 && $lparenct == 1 && $rparenct == 1 && $chars5 != "gray(" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[4]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount == 1 && $chars6 != "graya(" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[5]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount == 2 && $chars4 != "rgb(" && $chars4 != "hsl(" && $chars4 != "hsb(" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[6]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount == 3 && $chars5 != "rgba(" && $chars5 != "hsla(" && $chars5 != "hsba(" && $chars5 != "cmyk(" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[7]

"; exit; } elseif ( $commacount == 4 && $chars6 != "cmyka(" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[8]

"; exit; } elseif ( $color == "rgb" || $color == "hsl" || $color == "hsb" || $color == "rgba" || $color == "hsla" || $color == "hsba" || $color == "cmyk" || $color == "cmyka" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[9]

"; exit; } elseif ( $lparenct != 1 && $rparenct !=1 && ( $chars3 == "rgb" || $chars3 == "hsl" || $chars3 == "hsb" || $chars4 == "rgba" || $chars4 == "hsla" || $chars4 == "hsba" || $chars4 == "cmyk" || $chars5 == "cmyka" ) ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[10]

"; exit; } # test if color contains ,, or (, or ,) if ( substr_count($color, ',,') > 0 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[11]

"; exit; } elseif ( substr_count($color, '(,') > 0 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[12]

"; exit; } elseif ( substr_count($color, ',)') > 0 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[13]

"; exit; } # test for only 1 hex char only at beginning # and 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 or 16 following numberic chars # and non-hex with 1 set of parens and with numeric chars not at end $hashcount = substr_count($color, '#'); $hashloc = strpos($color, '#'); $hexcount = strlen($color); $alphnumArray = preg_split('/[0-9]/', $color); if ( $hashcount > 1 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[14]

"; exit; } elseif ( $hashcount == 1 && $hashloc != 0 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[15]

"; exit; } elseif ( $hashcount == 1 && $hashloc == 0 && $hexcount != 4 && $hexcount != 5 && $hexcount != 7 && $hexcount != 9 && $hexcount != 13 && $hexcount != 17 ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[16]

"; exit; } elseif ( $hashcount == 0 && $lparenct != 1 && $rparencount != 1 ) { for( $i = 1; $i < sizeof($alphnumArray); $i++ ) { if ( $alphnumArray[$i] != "" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[17]

"; exit; } } } # test for invalid characters in color input if ( preg_match_all('/[^#%(),.0-9a-zA-Z]/', $color, $matches) != "" ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[18]

"; exit; } # test for numerical values > 100 if contains % # test for numerical values > 255 if starts with rgb, cmyk or gray # test for 1st, numerical values > 360 if starts with hsl or hsb # and rest of values > 255 # also test if rgba, hsla, hsba, cmyka and graya and last component > 1 $pctcount = substr_count($color, '%'); $tmpcolor = preg_replace('/\(|\)/', ',', $color); $colorArray = explode(',', $tmpcolor); for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($colorArray); $i++ ) { if ( is_numeric(str_replace('%', '', $colorArray[$i])) && $colorArray[$i] > 100 && $pctcount > 0 ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Color Component That Is Greater Than 100%

"; exit; } elseif ( is_numeric($colorArray[$i]) && $colorArray[$i] > 255 && ( $chars3 == "rgb" || $chars4 == "cmyk" || $chars4 == "gray" ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Color Component That Is Greater Than 255

"; exit; } elseif ( is_numeric($colorArray[1]) && $colorArray[1] > 360 && ( $chars3 == "hsl" || $chars3 == "hsb" ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Hue Component That Is Greater Than 360

"; exit; } elseif ( is_numeric($colorArray[$i]) && $i != 1 && $colorArray[$i] > 255 && ( $chars3 == "hsl" || $chars3 == "hsb" ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Non-Hue Component That Is Greater Than 255

"; exit; } elseif ( is_numeric($colorArray[4]) && $colorArray[4] > 1 && ( $chars4 == "rgba" || $chars4 == "hsla" || $chars4 == "hsba" ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Alpha Component That Is Greater Than 1

"; exit; } elseif ( is_numeric($colorArray[5]) && $colorArray[5] > 1 && $chars5 == "cmyka" ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Alpha Component That Is Greater Than 1

"; exit; } elseif ( is_numeric($colorArray[2]) && $colorArray[2] > 1 && $chars5 == "graya" ) { echo "

$color Contains A Numerical Alpha Component That Is Greater Than 1

"; exit; } } # test if begins with gray and 1 numeric entry # test if begins with rgb, hsl, hsb and 3 numeric entries # test if begins with rgba, hsla, hsba, cmyk and 4 numeric entries # test if begins with cmyka and 5 numeric entries $colorArray1 = str_replace('%', '', $colorArray[1]); $colorArray2 = str_replace('%', '', $colorArray[2]); $colorArray3 = str_replace('%', '', $colorArray[3]); $colorArray4 = str_replace('%', '', $colorArray[4]); $colorArray5 = str_replace('%', '', $colorArray[5]); if ( $chars5 == "gray(" && !is_numeric($colorArray1) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Non-Numerical Color Component

"; exit; } elseif ( ( $chars4 == "rgb(" || $chars4 == "hsl(" || $chars4 == "hsb(" ) && ( !is_numeric($colorArray1) || !is_numeric($colorArray2) || !is_numeric($colorArray3) ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Non-Numerical Color Component

"; exit; } elseif ( ( $chars5 == "rgba(" || $chars5 == "hsla(" || $chars5 == "hsba(" || $chars5 =="cmyk" ) && ( !is_numeric($colorArray1) || !is_numeric($colorArray2) || !is_numeric($colorArray3) || !is_numeric($colorArray4) ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Non-Numerical Color Component

"; exit; } elseif ( $chars6 =="cmyka(" && ( !is_numeric($colorArray1) || !is_numeric($colorArray2) || !is_numeric($colorArray3) || !is_numeric($colorArray4) || !is_numeric($colorArray5) ) ) { echo "

$color Contains A Non-Numerical Color Component

"; exit; } # test if color in IM list of colors if ( $chars3 != "rgb" && $chars3 != "hsl" && $chars3 != "hsb" && $chars4 != "cmyk" && ( $hashcount != 1 || $hashloc != 0 ) ) { # get list of colors from IM $array = array(); exec("$path2convert -list color", $array, $returnval); # drop off the first 5 rows of the array # as they are texual info and not colors array_shift($array); array_shift($array); array_shift($array); array_shift($array); array_shift($array); # filter the rows using a callback function # to get first field in each row as color name function colorName($var) { $tmpArray = split(' ', $var); return(strtolower($tmpArray[0])); } $array = array_map('colorName',$array); # test if color is not in list if ( !in_array($color, $array) ) { echo "

$errMsg $numArray[19]

"; exit; } } # create display of colorswatch and textual color values # make one cell table and fill with PNG image from colorswatch.html echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "

"; if ( $bgcolor == "checker" ) { echo "
"; } else { echo "
"; } echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo "
"; # get quantumrange $array = array(); exec("$path2convert xc: -format \"%[fx:quantumrange]\" info:-", $array, $returnval); $qr=$array[0]; if ( $qr == "" ) { $array = array(); exec("$path2convert xc: -format \"%q\" info:-", $array, $returnval); $q = $array[0]; if ( $q == 8 ) { $qr = 255; } elseif ( $q == 16 ) { $qr = 65535; } else { $qr = pow(2, 32) - 1; } } # get txt: info for RGB $array = array(); exec("$path2convert -size 1x1 xc:\"$color\" -colorspace RGB txt:-", $array, $returnval); getColorVals($array[1]); # convert RGB colors to range 0-255 and percent and show RGB info convertColorVals($color1,$color2,$color3,$color4,$color5,$qr,$prec,'rgb'); # get txt: info for 8-bit HEX $array = array(); exec("$path2convert -size 1x1 xc:\"$color\" -colorspace RGB -depth 8 txt:-", $array, $returnval); getColorVals($array[1]); # convert RGB color values to HEX and show HEX info $red = dechex($color1); if ( strlen($red) == 1) {$red = "0" . $red;} $green = dechex($color2); if ( strlen($green) == 1) {$green = "0" . $green;} $blue = dechex($color3); if ( strlen($blue) == 1) {$blue = "0" . $blue;} if ( is_numeric($color4) ) { $alpha = dechex($color4); if ( strlen($alpha) == 1) {$alpha = "0" . $alpha;} $hexcolor = $red . $green . $blue . $alpha; } else { $hexcolor = $red . $green . $blue; } echo "
"; echo "HEX:
"; echo "#$hexcolor
"; # get txt: info for HSL $array = array(); exec("$path2convert -size 1x1 xc:\"$color\" -colorspace HSL txt:-", $array, $returnval); getColorVals($array[1]); # convert HSL colors to range 0-255 (360 for hue) and percent and show HSL info convertColorVals($color1,$color2,$color3,$color4,$color5,$qr,$prec,'hsl'); # get txt: info for HSB $array = array(); exec("$path2convert -size 1x1 xc:\"$color\" -colorspace HSB txt:-", $array, $returnval); getColorVals($array[1]); # convert HSB colors to range 0-255 (360 for hue) and percent and show HSB info convertColorVals($color1,$color2,$color3,$color4,$color5,$qr,$prec,'hsb'); # get txt: info for CMYK $array = array(); exec("$path2convert -size 1x1 xc:\"$color\" -colorspace CMYK txt:-", $array, $returnval); getColorVals($array[1]); # convert CMYK colors to range 0-255 and percent and show CMYK info convertColorVals($color1,$color2,$color3,$color4,$color5,$qr,$prec,'cmyk'); echo "
"; } ?>